A Revert's Holiday Story - The Email that Brought Us to Tears

A Revert's Holiday Story - The Email that Brought Us to Tears

This email made us cry.. and we had to share it with you

At Tuesday in Love we often get wonderful messages from our customers who love to share their purchasing and product experiences with us. But there was one particular message that came to us from a revert sister who's email brought us to tears. We wanted to share it with you (with her permission of course) because we think it's an important message at this time of year.


Dear Tuesday in Love,

About a year ago I reverted to Islam, and a single girl living away from home I always had the support of my local community and mosque. However, as the Christmas season came about I found myself more and more in thoughts about my childhood and life before I became a Muslim. Growing up as a Christian, Christmas was always a favorite time of year. The time I spent with my family (especially as a child) gave me some of the best memories of my life. Whether it was being lifted up by my dad to put the star on the top of the tree, or the excitement of opening gifts with my little brother on Christmas morning, I can still even remember the sounds and smells of what Christmas in our house was like.

So last year when I decided to spend the holidays away from home in my new apartment, I didn't expect to feel this painful aching in my heart. And as I sat on my sofa looking through old family pictures, I broke down and sobbed for a good half hour. Although I'm a proud Muslim, I can't deny how painful those weeks felt. 

That week I spoke on the phone with my mum, and although my dad has never been totally on board with my choice to become a Muslim, they have always been supportive - Allahumdullilah. I never really let them know what I had been feeling those past few days, but moms have a way of picking up on these things.

Anyways, about a week later I received a package in the mail from my mum and dad - They had sent me my Christmas present all wrapped up in beautiful wrapping paper. And when I opened it, it was a beautiful set of nail polish, hijabs, and eyeshadow palette from Tuesday in Love! 

And along with my gift there was a hand written card that read "We are very proud of you - Love Mom and Dad". 

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for the wonderful halal products you guys make, and for making that Christmas a little bit easier.

- Love,  M.L

revert holiday story 

For those of us who are born in Muslim families and don't celebrate Christmas, it may be difficult to understand the emotional significance that this time of year has for many people. Christmas and the holiday season for many is not just a religious holiday, but also a time where family and friends come together and build memories. It's a time of year for many that celebrates the simple joys of family, comfort, and love. 

So if you know anyone who may be going through a similar struggle, we encourage you to reach out to them. Sometimes all it takes is a simple conversation, a kind word, or even a smile to show someone that you care.

We are many colors... one Love.


A Revert's Holiday Story - The Email that Brought Us to Tears

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