How to Make Money with Tuesday in Love's Affiliate Program
What is Affiliate Marketing?
If you've never heard of affiliate marketing, it's one of the easiest ways to earn extra income without having to start your own business or work 9 to 5. Basically, by promoting a company's products online, you earn commission on sales made through the company's website. You don't have to carry any of their products or even talk directly to customers.
As a Tuesday in Love affiliate you receive your own personal website link that you can share on social media. Any time someone clicks on your link and then makes a purchase from our website, you earn a commission from that sale. Best of all, it's free to sign up and you can earn money even while you sleep!

Free and Easy to Sign up How to Make Money with Tuesday in Love's Affiliate Program
You can CLICK HERE to sign up for our Affiliate Program through Refersion.
Once you've entered all your information, you'll receive a personalized link that you can start sharing online.
Best of all, you can use any of our social media content, including pictures, videos, blog posts, and even screenshots from our website.
As a valued Tuesday in Love Affiliate we want to help you get the most out of our Affiliate Program so you can start earning quickly and easily. So we've put together some of the highest converting tips to help you get started!
Educate your Customers
The most important thing that people need to know about our products is how they differ from competitor brands. What makes Tuesday in Love so unique is that our halal certified formula is the only one in the world that is fully certified by ISNA Canada for both ingredients and functionality. This means that unlike breathable nail polish, the water can go through to the nails unassisted (no rubbing or added pressure required). Therefore, women can perform wudhu (ritual cleaning) without worrying about whether or not the water has reached their nails. To see a visual demonstration of this, you can click the following link to see how Tuesday in Love outperforms the competitor brand.
Feel free to download these videos and share them on your social media accounts along with your affiliate link.
Share Our Blog Posts
Another great way to share information with your customers is to use information from our blog. You can share direct links, or even copy and paste the content on your own websites and social media accounts. Our blog contains over 100 articles on halal nail polish and cosmetics and valuable information on Islam and the beauty industry that people are searching for. Click the following link to visit our blog.
Get Creative on Tiktok!
Over the past few years Tiktok has skyrocketed in the number of users and content being produced. And it's also one of the best places to reach your target audience with useful information about halal nail polish and cosmetics. People absolutely LOVE seeing our water permeability tests, as well as creative nail art tutorials. So even if you have a few followers on Tiktok, it's a great way to gain more views and engagement to help grow your following. And of course you can either repost any of our current content, or be creative and come up with your own ideas and trends!
Follow us on Tiktok!
Reach out on Twitter
People all over the world are having conversations on Twitter about halal nail polish and cosmetics. Many of them are asking whether or not they are really halal, or which company has a halal nail polish that actually works. Once again, providing them with educational content will not only drive more traffic to your affiliate link, but it will also help give customers better insight into the types of products that fit their needs. One of our best performing youtube links is The Scientific Facts and Fiction of Halal Nail Polish. Try sharing this!
Facebook and Instagram
Facebook and Instagram are some of the highest searched platforms for halal nail polish and cosmetics. Not only are people looking for information, but they're also looking for pictures and videos for social proof. Share our videos and pictures for high conversion. You can download and post any of our Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram videos and pictures from our website to use as part of your campaign.
Pinterest is an untapped platform where millions of people who fit our ideal customer profile are searching every day. By resharing our pinterest pictures and videos, you can direct tons of traffic to your affiliate link. Find us on pinterest @tuesdayinlove
Be sure to use the following hashtags on any of your social media posts to gain the highest converting traffic!
#halalnailpolish #halalcosmetics #halalbeauty #halalskincare #halalmakeup #tuesdayinlove
Have Questions?
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sometimes customers may ask specific questions about our products, so feel free to email us directly at If you have questions about our halal certification, you can also email ISNA Canada directly at
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