Ways to Keep your Good Habits Post-Ramadan
Now that Ramadan is over, it doesn’t mean you should return to life the way it was pre-Ramadan. Inshallah, we’ve allowed this blessed month to change us for the better. Here’s how to help your good habits stick post-Ramadan.
Ramadan may be over, but that doesn’t mean that we need to lose the spiritual gains we’ve made during this time. In fact, if we want to turn these practices into habits, it’s essential that we carry on – research suggests that it actually takes an average of 66 days to create a habit. The habits and routines we’ve created may even be beneficial to our health – studies show that having a routine is linked with increases in physical and mental health. Other studies show that people with daily routines have higher levels of resiliency and fare better when faced with challenges.
ways to keep good habits ramadan
Stay in the habit of fasting regularly
Fasting has numerous health and spiritual benefits, so if fasting is safe for you medically, consider fasting a day or two a week on a regular basis. It is a Sunnah of the Prophet to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. You can observe this Sunnah by choosing to fast one or both days each week.
A Hadith is reported as follows – Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “Deeds are presented on Monday and Thursday, and I love that my deeds be presented while I am fasting.” [Tirmidhi]
Always consult with your doctor first, as there are many reasons you may be excused from fasting or medical conditions in which fasting may be contraindicated, such as diabetes, certain mental health conditions, pregnancy, and many other examples.
Continue your sadaqah ways to keep good habits ramadan
Continuing charity and good deeds is perhaps one of the most important things we can continue doing post-Ramadan. The people and causes that are in need during Ramadan are not only in need during Ramadan. There is good to be done in this world year-round. It’s likely that organizations see a big influx of donations (both monetarily and time-wise) during Ramadan, and then support wanes for the rest of the year. It doesn’t have to be like that. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, and the fastest-growing religion in the world. Our ummah is large, diverse, and generous. We can – and should – keep the good going year-round. Giving is also good for the giver. There are numerous studies showing how beneficial it is for the giver. Those studies obviously can’t account for the benefits to be gained in the hereafter.
Keep praying and making dua
Prayer is how we connect with Allah. It’s also the second pillar of Islam. Prayer should never feel like a chore or a task to be completed. Instead, look at it as time for yourself, with your Creator. It’s a beautiful appointment that we already have scheduled into our day for us, subhan’Allah. Take advantage, because what a beautiful privilege and opportunity we have – a designated and appointed time to worship, and the opportunity to do it five times a day!
Revisit your intentions weekly
Our religion is so beautiful that we are rewarded for our intentions. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Whosoever intended to perform a good deed, but did not do it, then Allah writes it down with Himself as a complete good deed…” Take time out weekly to revisit and recommit to your intentions. Do a weekly check-in and self-assessment, and see what went right, and where things could have gone better. Recommit to your intentions, and re-adjust your plan as needed, taking into account the feedback you’ve gleaned from this self-reflection. These few moments of self-reflection each week can help you learn to appreciate your strengths, and see the areas where you have opportunities for growth.
Keeping good habits can be hard, and we understand that most traditional productivity hacks don’t work for neurodivergent people. But this isn’t about productivity – it’s about your relationship with Allah, and maintaining and honoring it in all the ways you can, post-Ramadan, and year-round. You got this, girl!
What routines and habits did you create for yourself this Ramadan that you’re hoping to keep? Drop a comment and let us know. Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @tuesdayinlove.
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